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Bridgeport Production Week 1-3

Writer's picture: Avery BuffingtonAvery Buffington

August 11th, 2024

Now that I am entering my final semester of college after finishing my senior thesis production short film, I have begun work on a new collaborative short film project. I met with Bianca Rawlings to brainstorm some ideas for short films. Our goal is to create a 30-second short film composed of 5-6 shots that showcases our modeling and texturing skills together.

Some of our initial inspirations from our brainstorming gallery include:

Some of the short films that we were inspired by include:

August 18th, 2024

Out of the references and key illustration concepts we had gathered, we knew we wanted something colorful, bright, textured, and told a story. We settled on making a story based on Bridgeport by Gabriel Gomez. We were inspired by the intense lighting, abstract shapes, and fun textures.

September 3rd, 2024

After deciding on an idea, we began the storyboarding process. We each storyboarded an idea with a small handful of shots each and then met to discuss our ideas.

Storyboard Idea 1 - Funny/Physical Comedy/Cute

Storyboard Idea 2 - Serious/Aesthetic/Visually Driven

We decided that while the first idea with the stronger storyline that endears you more to the character would be good, we wanted to go with the second idea that was more dramatic and aesthetic driven, so we could really focus on our modeling and texturing craft and being able to show off our skills.

We came up with some rough beats for our story:

  1. Establishing shot of boat [Wide]

  2. Close up of boat hull pulling to shore [Close]

  3. Base image reference

  4. Over the shoulder shot of fish/lure packing up [Mid]

  5. Lantern detail shot with sky/sun setting [Close]

  6. Man tossing fish back into water [Mid]

  7. Duplicate of base image reference with lanterns turning off, shore in FG [Pull back]

We created a template for our asset production sheets and also began a Miro board to organize our references in a more structured manner than our original Pinterest idea gathering stage.

Some highlights from the asset references include:

I am excited for what this project holds and how it can elevate my skills and my portfolio. I am particularly looking forward to texturing the boat, the fish, and background props on the boat like a box of lures. I am also excited for learning new things such as rendering water and developing techniques to creating our own unique stylized look such as post-processing treatments and custom texture cards and bokeh.


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