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Senior Thesis Film (2024)

A portrait artist moves into a decrepit home secluded in the forest that he finds infested

with moths. After getting fed up with the scourge of pests, he smashes a single moth that dares land on his painting. Divine punishment strikes as the artist is afflicted with a

deathly curse that leaves him changed forever.

This is one of four senior capstone projects produced by the University of Colorado: Denver 3D Animation BFA Class of 2024. I worked on the story pitch for this project with a story team starting in August 2022 and it was greenlit for production in January of 2023. It premiered at the University of Colorado: Denver College of Arts and Media BFA Showcase in May 2024. 

Emperor moth transparent clip art in white lineart

Painter Character Model & Textures

Mothman Character Model & Textures

Character Designs