I started on translating the studio interior into a more three dimensional perspective drawing than the first iteration. I took some of the elements from the first iteration and arranged them a bit differently. One thing I wanted to focus on was making this room look kind of like a study/office that had just been turned into a makeshift studio. I felt that having the bookshelves in the wall around the window nook was a bit too visually crowded and didn't leave much visual interest for the other walls so I moved the bookshelves to be in the side wall where the couch lives. Eventually when this concept is finished it will have moving boxes and painting supplies strewn everywhere that communicates more that this room is being repurposed. When discussing the story our group concluded that it was unlikely that the previous resident of this house happened to have a painting studio, so the room the painter uses is probably some other kind of room that has just been transformed. It would probably also have decent air flow with multiple windows. The window is part of the story currently by allowing the character to see the moonlight from the window as he is painting late into the nights, but also we discussed the artistic idea of having candles all around as an aesthetic choice but decided against it and opted for some cool old style lighting because candles would be potentially pretty dangerous around that much painting supply fumes.

This evening I met with our team again and we reviewed color concepts for the outside of the house, hero asset art, and revised storyboards. I also presented my interior sketch for the house. I got feedback that people were interested to see what the curtains would look like as purple to tie in the couch to the rest of the room since it isn't much of a story focal point. I definitely think the interior concept art has come a long way from last week.

During the Production class meeting today I showed off my interior set design which was greenlit for modeling by Paul. I received some feedback to continue refining the primary forms of the main character model and to soften some of the edges on the model and to get less caught up in the details like trying to make the clothes look more like clothes and setting up all the subtools and instead make sure the body underneath is feeling right first.